Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Zaprete Reklamy U Inostrannyh Agentov

"Both the advertiser and the advertising distributor will be held responsible for violating the law"

Vvedeny Shtrafy Za Otsutstvie Plana Preduprezhdeniya I Likvidacii Razlivov Nefti

"The maximum amount of the fine will be 1 million rubles"

SMI Obyazhut Upominat O Zaprete Terroristicheskih Organizacij

"The law will prohibit the dissemination of information about terrorist organizations in the media without indicating that they are prohibited"

V Grazhdanskom Kodekse RF Poyavitsya Obyazannost Rossiyan Ustanavlivat Datchiki Dyma V Kvartire Za Svoj Schet

"In Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will provide for a fine for the corresponding violation"

V KoAP Uvelichat Shtrafy Za Narushenie Prav Potrebitelej

"Experts consider the current amount of punishment to be nominal and propose to make it dependent on revenue"

V KoAP Vvedut Otvetstvennost Za Narushenie Uslovij Soderzhaniya Domashnih Zhivotnyh

"Under this article, violators face a fine of 10 thousand rubles"

Administrativnaya Otvetstvennost V Sfere Markirovki Tovarov Budet Utochnena

"The new rules may come into force on February 1, 2022"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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