Gosduma RF Prodolzhaet Rabotu Po Protivodejstviyu Nezakonnoj Migracii

"By mid-November, deputies plan to review the entire package of bills aimed at countering illegal migration"

Mintrud RF Predlozhil Uvelichit Kvotu Na Naem Inostrannyh Sotrudnikov

"The quota for hiring qualified foreign workers will be nearly 235,000 people"

V Rossii Planiruetsya Povysit Nalogovuyu Stavku Dlya Lic S Dvojnym Grazhdanstvom

"Deputies propose to "minimize the number of citizens with stable political and legal ties to foreign states""

Gosduma RF Prinyala Eshche Tri Zakonoproekta Napravlennyh Na Sovershenstvovanie Migracionnoj Politiki

"It is important to create legal mechanisms to combat illegal migration, stated the Chairman of the State Duma"

Gosduma RF Napravila Zakonodatelnye Iniciativy Po Sovershenstvovaniyu Migracionnoj Politiki V Profilnye Komitety

"The documents will be adopted as a priority by December of this year"

Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakonoproekty Ob Usilenii Otvetstvennosti Za Organizaciyu Nezakonnoj Migracii

"Amendments are being made to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation"

Predsedatel Gosdumy RF Rasskazal O Popravkah K Zakonoproektu O Pravovom Polozhenii Inostrannyh Grazhdan

"The proposed regulations will help prevent migrants from obtaining documents through fraudulent schemes"

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