V Gosdume RF Prizvali Obuchat Migrantov Russkomu Yazyku Na Rodine

"Exams for foreigners can be administered by 12 Russian universities and one organization of the Moscow government"


In the State Duma of the Russian Federation, there was a call to educate foreign citizens in the Russian language in their home countries. Labor migrants coming to Russia must know the Russian language and respect the traditions and culture of our country, said the Chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin.

"It is important for us that people who come to work here know the Russian language and respect our traditions," Volodin noted. He emphasized the need for cooperation with friendly countries to create conditions where citizens could learn the Russian language and prepare for life and work in Russia.

According to Volodin, "many problems arise because in the countries from which migrants come, they do not learn Russian." He added that it is necessary to prevent such situations.

Foreigners seeking to obtain a residence permit, work permit, or temporary residence in Russia must pass exams in Russian as a foreign language, Russian history, and the basics of Russian legislation. Citizens of the EAEU countries (Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan) are exempt from this testing.

Exams for foreigners can be administered by 12 Russian universities and one organization of the Moscow government. Previously, commercial sites that had agreements with universities could also conduct testing, but at the end of April, all 12 authorized universities terminated their contracts with commercial partners.


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